About me


Hi, I’m Mark Leitch, an ordinary investor like you who has had his fingers burnt once too often.  Having seen a £5,000 investment rise to £12,000 only to be completely wiped out, I decided to use my IT analytical skills to find a way of keeping out of trouble.

So, having spent far too much money on courses and having read tons of stuff on the web, I have come up with a set of indicators that I use on a monthly basis to help me with my investment decisions.

I am now sharing these with you.  I hope you find them as useful as I do.


  • Hi Mark

    Further to our chat at Tom & Moira’s party!

    What you are doing by sharing this stuff is as admirable as the info is impressive. OK, you might well have an opportunity for some side income from those financial services providers who advertise in your sidebar but that is, I am sure, small by comparison with your investment income. So more strength to your arm!

    I am passing your URL to a friend of mine who is much more financially literatte than I am and is always looking for new info sources.

    What’s your view on the Barclays thing? Is there a moral issue? Should Diamond be made to fall on his sword? (he clearly won’t do it voluntarily) His statement that he didn’t know what was going on, credible though it might be, reminds me of Simon Hoggart’s comment after James Murdoch’s appearances in front of the Leveson enquiry: “Never in the field of human management has one man known so little and so often.”


    • Mark says:


      Many thanks for your comments – it’s always good to get some feedback.

      I think that the Barclays episode (and the collusion of banks on Libor rates) is exactly what the City did not want. Now that Diamond has fallen on his sword (to quote you), pressure will be on the other banks to clean up their acts.

      Hope you continue to enjoy my monthly updates.


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